I'm so excited to announce the beginning of our own Community Discussion Group right here at The Yummy Life.
T-Man (techie guy) and I created this discussion board to serve the growing community of readers and friends of The Yummy Life. With over 40,000 Facebook and Pinterest followers (and growing!), there's already lots of good conversation going on at the end of my blog posts and on Facebook. But, not everyone is aware of new comments and tips that are shared if they don't happen to return to read new comments at the end of my posts. The Facebook posts and comments quickly get moved down in my timeline, where they are seldom viewed again. Often there is great information shared or common questions are asked that could be helpful to the broader Yummy community. That's why we're introducing this Community Discussion Group. It's a way for everyone to stay connected and informed.
My Yummy readers and friends are so dang smart and have many common interests. I'm excited to have this new format for sharing ideas among this warm and friendly community of friends. I frequently get compliments about the polite, happy tone of the comments you leave on my blog. I'm proud of that and you; this is a forum for expanding that helpful conversation.
How to participate
The Community Discussion Group is a place where you can drop in regularly to learn what's new and join the conversation. You can:
The topics can be about anything, but here are some areas that may be of particular interest:
Feel free to ask or share on any of these topics, or anything else that you think may be of interest to others who visit The Yummy Life. And, you're always welcome to ask me a question. I may not know the answer, but chances are that someone else will.
How to get started
Visit often and participate
The more people participate, the more helpful and successful the discussion boards will be. I hope you join in, visit the discussion board frequently, and encourage your friends to participate. You might want to stop by for a quick look each day to see if there are any hot topics being discussed that are of particular interest to you. The topics will be listed from newest to oldest, so you can quickly see at the top of the home page if there are any new discussions of interest to you.
Future plans
If we see that there is enough interest and participation in the Community Discussion Group, we have plans to add more features in the future. Some possibilities are adding an index, search feature, a way to flag and save favorites, forming groups for readers with common interests, a rating/ranking system for comments, and more. We're open to your suggestions, too; so let us know how we can improve your experience.
I hope you enjoy the new Group Discussion Board. My Yummy readers and friends are simply the best, and I'm excited to have a new way to chat with you regularly. Love you guys.
Make it a Yummy day!