Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?

turtle on road

There are many superstitions out there. Among them the familiar black cat crossing the road in front of you being a sign of bad luck to come.

Well, here's our family's take on that:
A turtle crossing the road in front of you is a sign of good fortune to come.
I've explained before that turtles are special to us. So, special that The Yummy Life blog was named after baby Yummy the Turtle.

So, when King-Man and I were driving to our lake house getaway (our little piece of heaven an hour away from our St. Louis home), just as we were rounding the bend to turn into our driveway, we saw this turtle crossing the road in front of us.

Excitement erupted in our car--excitement that was just a little bit shy of the heavens opening to a hallelujah chorus. I, of course, grabbed my camera and took these photos. The lighting was challenging, so they're not the best photos. But they capture the essence of this fortuitous moment. This cutie pie turtle, dragging along a leaf with his muddy back foot. Slowly, steadily crossing the road. Good fortune is surely on the way.

turtle close up

There have, indeed, been signs of good fortune since this turtle crossing.

  • We saw 10 deer out our back door (all at one time). Beautiful animals, those deer. We think they were sleeping in our woods.
  • We heard owls hooting throughout the night, a comforting sound to remind us we're in the wild.
  • We heard a Springsteen cover band last night at a nearby outdoor concert--King-Man is a big fan of The Boss. We stayed till the bitter end.
  • We awoke to a breathtaking view of mist rising from the lake.

misty lake

A yummy, good-fortune-filled weekend at the lake. Everyone say ahhhhh.

Now, back to the turtle sighting.
This incident naturally begs the question:

Why did the turtle cross the road?

Perhaps, because . . .

  • . . .he was following a chicken.
  • . . .he was headed for the Shell station for a tune-up.
  • . . .he was going to visit Yummy who'd just arrived back home from a long              journey.
  • . . .he was slowly......steadily......pacing himself in the local Labor Day fun run.       (The hare had already crossed the road.)
  • . . .he was heading for the neighbor's where they were serving my pesto appetizers at their Labor Day picnic.

Okay. I know. This is the kind of corny humor that makes a person groan (if you can call it humor). Frankly, I'm kind of embarrassed that I even shared those with you. So, maybe you can do better. It shouldn't be hard.

Why do you think the turtle crossed the road? 

Posted on Sunday, September 5th, 2010

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